SCRIBE users can export data already added to SCRIBE, and with a few edits and additions, turn that file into an import file. Turning the Participation Export into an import is useful for adding participation to recurring services as well as correcting participation that was accidentally added to SCRIBE for the wrong service or school year (see notes at the end for more information).

Run a Student/Parent/Staff Participation Export

For a more detailed explanation on how to run a Student, Parent or Staff Participation Export and the fields contained in the export, see the How to Run a Participation Export article on the SCRIBE Help Desk. 


  1. From the SCRIBE main menu, click Reports > Services > Student Participation Export


  1. Select the School Year from the dropdown menu. Select the School(s) and Grade Level(s)


If desired, select the Participation Date Range from the dropdown menu to enter a specific date range you want the export to cover. For example, you can select Month from the dropdown and select a month to view participation specific to that month or select Custom from the dropdown and enter the first and last date of a quarter or semester to view the participation for that term. If you leave the Participation Date Range blank, the export will cover the entire school year.


Tip: Under Report Format, select CSV (not Excel) because the field headings (column headings) in the CSV format align more with the field headings required for importing than the excel format (the field headings are the same in both formats, but there are spaces between the words in the excel format – “Service Name” and no spaces between the words in the CSV format – “ServiceName”). 


Click Generate Report.


Access the Participation Import Template

  1. Open the Participation Import Template in the Google training folder. A link to the import templates can be found in the SCRIBE Manual. 


  1. The first tab of the import template is a blank spreadsheet with the field headings

  1. The second tab of the import template has the Fields Descriptions – the field name, whether that field is required for importing into SCRIBE and additional information about each field.
    1. All of the Field Names in your import file must match the Field Name in the template.
    2. All of the fields marked Required must be in the import file.


Create The Participation Import File

View the import template to make sure the import file you are creating matches the specifications for a Participation Import. While much of the formatting and data contained in the Participation Export aligns with the Participation Import, you will need to make some adjustments (details below). 


For a more detailed tutorial on how to create a Participation Import file from scratch, see the PDF and Video on the SCRIBE Help Desk. 


  1. In the Participation export file, adjust any field headings that do not match the Participation Import Template.
    1. StudentID field should be PersonID
    2. School field should be SchoolNumber
    3. ServiceName field should be EternalID (more information on this field in Step #3a)
    4. ParticipationDate field should be DateofParticipation
    5. ParticipationTime field should be TimeofParticipation
    6. HoursofService field should be HoursofParticipation


  1. Add any columns to the Participation export file that are required in the Participation Import template. See the Participation Import template for codes and more information.
    1. Add PersonTypeID
    2. Add MinutesofParticipation, if applicable


  1. Format the data in each column to make sure it is formatted correctly, according to the import template.
    1. SchoolNumber field (formerly School) lists the name of the school while the Service List import requires the SCRIBE school number. Enter the school number in the SchoolNumber field (in SCRIBE go to Schools > View All Schools for a list of school numbers).


  1. PersonTypeID field (added in Step #2a) – Enter the Person Type code that corresponds to the person in that row (student = 1, parent/guardian = 2, teacher = 3). See the Participation Import Template for more information.



  1. Delete any fields from the export file that do not appear in the import template. If left in the import file, these fields will be flagged as Unknown Fields when you import the file.
    1. MiddleName
    2. StudentSchoolID
    3. SchoolYear
    4. GradeLevel
    5. IEP?
    6. ESL?
    7. Reduced-PriceLunch?
    8. IsSTEM?
    9. IsELL?
    10. EntryCode
    11. EntryDate
    12. ExitCode
    13. ExitDate
    14. ServiceCategory
    15. ServiceType
    16. ServiceTypeAdditionalInfo
    17. ServiceDeliveryCategory
    18. ServiceDeliveryType
    19. ServiceTimingCategory
    20. ServiceTimingType
    21. ServiceProvider1, unless service providers are used
    22. ServiceProvider2, unless 2+ service providers are used
    23. ServiceProvider3, unless 3 service providers are used


  1. Update the data in any column that needs to be updated for the current import.
    1. ExternalID (formerly ServiceName) – services must exist in SCRIBE before participation can be added. To import participation for a service, the service must have an External ID (a unique identifier for each service). If you follow best practices using the service naming conventions, the service name should be unique and you can use the service name as the external ID. If you have used best practices and the services in SCRIBE have external IDs, you can use the ServiceName field as the ExternalID field. 
      1. If the services in SCRIBE do not have external IDs, edit the services in SCRIBE to add external IDs (copy the service name and paste in the external ID field)
      2. If the external IDs do not follow the best practices of using the service name, enter the services’ external IDs in this field in the participation import. You can find the external IDs by viewing the service details (in SCRIBE, Services > View All Services > click View next to the service whose details you want to view) or run a Service List Export (in SCRIBE, Reports > Services > Service List Export). 


  1. DateofParticipation – update if necessary. The date of participation must fall within the start date and end date of the service in SCRIBE.
  2. TimeofParticipation – update if necessary
  3. HoursofParticipation – update if necessary
  4. MinutesofParticipation – update if necessary, if field added to the import


  1. Save the file and import into SCRIBE. See the Importing Data resources on the SCRIBE Help Desk for more information. 


Parent Participation Export and Staff Participation Export

In addition to student participation, SCRIBE users can enter parent/family participation and staff participation into SCRIBE.


  1. Follow the steps listed above for the Student Participation Export, except select either the Parent Participation Export or the Staff Participation Export


  1. Set the parameters for the export (see Step 2 under Run a Student/Parent/Staff Enrollment Export).


  1. The participation export files will contain the names and other pertinent information about the parent(s) or staff member(s) as well as their participation details. All parents and staff will be listed in the export whether they have participation in SCRIBE or not. 


  1. Follow the steps outlined above to update the fields to turn the Parent or Staff Participation Export into a Participation Import. 


Notes on Using this Process to Correct Participation Entered Incorrectly into SCRIBE

This process is a quick way to re-enter participation that was entered incorrectly into SCRIBE. You may need to add new services to SCRIBE for the correct school or school year. See How to Turn the Service List Export into a Service Import PDF and Video


Make sure the services exist in SCRIBE for the correct school and school year.

Make sure the people (students, parents or staff) are enrolled in SCRIBE for the correct school and school year. 


Tip: Import the correct data into SCRIBE before deleting the incorrect data – this protects the data in SCRIBE in case something goes wrong with the import file or the import process. Once the import has processed fully, delete the incorrect data. Contact Xcalibur for more information on how to delete participation and services out of SCRIBE.


Additional Resources

How to Create a Service through an Import PDF and Video

How to Add Participation through an Import PDF and Video

Xcalibur Town Hall (August, 2021) – SCRIBE Snippet demonstrated this concept around 28:30

Import Data Resources