This Town Hall was not recorded due to the nature of the Affinity (breakout room) sessions. The tips shared from the Xcalibur team in those Affinity rooms can be found in the attached slides below.
During the March Town Hall, Xcalibur brought SCRIBE users together to discuss the upcoming APR season.
A quick overview of the APR sections was provided.
Section I : Executive Summary
This is the best place to report service data as it is optional in Section V. You might also include some high level wins here, include Post Secondary education data, or graduation data. Think of this executive summary as a brag sheet
Section II: Administrative Information:
This section is where you go more into the weeds from Section I. This is where personnel are also reported. Keep in mind, this is not where you would report changes of personnel.
Section III: Fiscal Management
This section covers actual and expected expenditures and scholarships (if applicable). Reminder, the budget time period is different than your grant!
Section IV: Students' Demographic Data
Section IV includes aggregate student demographic data including student enrollment, race/ethnicity, gender, Limited English Proficiency, students with IEPS, and those who meet unique priority student designations (FRL, Fostercare, ect). SCRIBE has an APR report that will support you filling out the demographic section of this report!
Section V: Objectives and Services
Section V includes a list of your approved objectives from your grant application and/or approved modified objectives. This is the section where services are now optional to report on, but if you omit them you can include a narrative about the services implemented for students in Section I.
Section VI: Student Outcomes
Section VI includes course enrollment, completion, and Educational progress by GEAR UP students through standardized test scores. If you attended our February town hall, you might recall that SCRIBE now has two new APR backup reports that will better support completing student course enrollment and completion.
Resources & Links
- If you would like a downloadable word APR version to work offline on with your team, visit
- Xcalibur Blog:
- Submit a Town Hall Topic: