Much like the APR, SCRIBE has reports to help users fill out some sections of the FPR. Sections that SCRIBE does not support on the FPR (to no surprise as they are the same for the APR) are Section I: Executive Summary, Section II: Narrative Information, Section III: Grant Administration Information, Section VI: Grant Budget Information.  You can find a downloadable version of the Final Performance Report here.

Section V of the Final Performance Report covers four data areas. Section V.4 covers:

4a) “Immediate Postsecondary Education Institution Enrollment Rates” for Class of 2020.  What is the number of students from the Class of 2020 who enrolled by the fall immediately following receipt of high school diploma or its equivalent in a: less than 2-year postsecondary education institution; 2-3-year postsecondary education institution; and 4-year postsecondary education institution?

4b) “Immediate Postsecondary Education Institution Enrollment Rates” for Entire GEAR UP Population. What is the number of the 12th graders over the duration of your grant who enrolled by the fall immediately following receipt of high school diploma or its equivalent (including those included in Question #4) in a less than 2-year postsecondary education institution; 2-3-year postsecondary education institution; and 4-year postsecondary education institution?

SCRIBE supports section V.4 of the Final Performance Report  by providing postsecondary enrollment within the date range your grant has interpreted "immediate": 


You can generate this report by followinReports > FPR Reports > Section V - GEAR UP Student Outcomes (Credits Per Term) 

 The data generated on this report comes from the student's profile on the College enrollment tab.The college enrollment module is an add-on of the SCRIBE system and is compatible to receive National Student Clearing House return files on post secondary enrollment. This data is easily imported into the SCRIBE system or can be manually entered or edited. 

 Additional Resources: 


SCRIBE FPR Reports Overview

SCRIBE FPR Report - Section V.1

SCRIBE FPR Report - Section V.2

SCRIBE FPR Report - Section V.3