Users can add courses manually and through an import. This PDF covers how to run a Course List Export from SCRIBE which will generate a list of all courses that have been added to SCRIBE in a given school year for the selected school(s).
Run a Course List Export
1. From the SCRIBE main menu, click Reports > Export (with Sensitive Information) >
Student Transcript – Course Grades.
2. Select the School Year from the dropdown menu. Select the School(s). Click Generate Report.
3. The Course List export contains the following fields:
- SchoolYear: school year selected on the export parameters (see step 2 above).
- SchoolNumber: unique identifier for each school used in SCRIBE. Indicates which school the course is assigned to in SCRIBE.
- School: name of school the course is assigned to in SCRIBE.
- CourseNumber: unique identifier for each course.
- CourseName: name of course.
- CourseTypeID: field will be blank.
- CourseType: field will be blank.
- CourseLevelID: code indicating level for course, if applicable. Not all courses have a CourseLevelID.
- CourseLevel: lists level for course, if applicable (e.g., Honors/Advanced, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate). Not all courses have a CourseLevel.
- Credits: indicates the portion of the final grade each grade entered makes up (e.g., 0.5 credits indicates that two grades are required in SCRIBE to calculate the final grade as each grade makes up .5 of the final grade).
- FinalOverrideCredits: field will be blank. Not all grants will see the final override field.
- ScoringMethodID: code indicating scoring method: 1 for decimal, 2 for lookup.
- ScoringMethod: lists scoring method: Lookup or Decimal.
- CourseResultGroupID: code indicating course result group if ScoringMethod is Lookup. If the ScoringMethod is Decimal, this field will be blank.
- CourseResultGroup: lists the course result group if ScoringMethod is Lookup. If the ScoringMethod is Decimal, this field will be blank.
- StandardCourseID: code for standard course, if applicable. Not all courses will have a StandardCourseID.
- StandardCourse: lists standard course name, if applicable (e.g., Algebra 1, Biology, Geometry). Not all courses will have a StandardCourse.
- CreditsToComplete: field will contain 1 or blank.
- StandardCourseExternalID: for internal use by SCRIBE if course has StandardCourse. Not all courses will have a StandardCourseExternalID.
Sample Service List Export
Additional Resources
How to Add a Course Via Import
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