Users can add grades manually and through an import. This PDF covers how to run a Student Transcript – Course Grades Export from SCRIBE which will generate a list of all courses and grades for students enrolled in SCRIBE in a given school year.


Run a Student Transcript – Course Grades Export

1. From the SCRIBE main menu, click Reports > Export (with Sensitive Information)

Student Transcript – Course Grades


2. Select the School Year from the dropdown menu (See Notes on School Year below for more info). 

Select the School(s) and Grade Level(s)

Select CSV or Excel under Report Format

Click Generate Report

3. The Student Transcript – Course Grades export contains the following fields: 

  1. LastName: student last name.
  2. FirstName: student first name.
  3. MiddleName: student middle name.
  4. StudentID: unique identifier for student used in SCRIBE.
  5. SchoolYear: school year which student took course and earned grade. See Notes on Schoo lYear below.
  6. School: name of school where student was enrolled when taking course and earning grade. 
  7. SchoolNumber: unique identifier for each school used in SCRIBE.
  8. IsPrimarySchool: indicated whether school is student’s primary school (Y for yes, N for no).
  9. GradeLevel: grade level student was in when taking course and earning grade.
  10. Course: name of course.
  11. CourseNumber: unique identifier for each course.
  12. Credits: indicates the portion of the final grade each grade entered makes up (e.g., 0.5 credits indicates that two grades are required in SCRIBE to calculate the final grade as each grade makes up .5 of the final grade). 
  13. MarkingPeriod: term for which grade was entered.
  14. CourseLevel: indicates level for course, if applicable (e.g., Honors/Advanced, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate). Not all courses have a CourseLevel.
  15. CourseType: field will be blank.
  16. CourseGrade: grade student received for the course for the term (marking period).  


Note: The Student Transcript – Course Grades export lists all students enrolled in SCRIBE for the school year selected when generating the report, even if they do not have grades entered into SCRIBE. The courses and grades fields (columns J through Q) will be blank for these students. 


Sample Student Transcript - Course Grades Export

Sample export for grades entered quarterly grades (see MarkingPeriod field in column M).


Sample export for grades entered as final grades (see MarkingPeriod field in column M).


Notes on School Year

The School Year selected when setting the parameters for the export (see step 2 above) indicates that students who are enrolled in SCRIBE for that school year will appear on the export. For instance, if you select the 2019-2020 school year, the export will contain all students who are enrolled in SCRIBE in the 2019-2020 school year. 


If those students have been enrolled in SCRIBE in previous years as well, the export will contain those students’ grades for the previous years in addition to the grades for the 2019-2020 school year. 


The SchoolYear field in the export indicated which school year the course and grade in the export is from.


The export lists all students enrolled in SCRIBE for the school year selected when generating the report, even if they do not have grades entered into SCRIBE. The courses and grades fields (columns J through Q) will be blank for these students. If a student was also enrolled in previous year(s) in SCRIBE, they will be listed in the export for those year(s) whether they have grades for the previous year(s) or not. If they do not have grades for the previous year(s), the course and grades fields (columns J through Q) will be blank. 


In the example below, the export was run for the 2019-2020 school year. Carol Danvers is enrolled in SCRIBE for the 2019-2020 school year so she will appear in the export. She was also enrolled in SCRIBE in the 2018-2019 and 2017-2018 school years so her courses and grades appear in the export for those years as well.

Additional Resources

How to Add a Course Manually

How to Add a Course Via Import

How to Add Grades Manually

How to Add Grades via Import

How to Calculate Course Enrollment and Completion (originally posted for the 2020 APR)


Log into the SCRIBE Help Desk using your SCRIBE log in.

The attached PDF contains the same tutorial.