Student groups are useful for informally grouping students from the same school (e.g., tutoring groups, mentoring groups, clubs, F list, students to watch, etc.). Using a student group to add participation saves time because participation can be added to the entire Student Group or a subsection of group members. Filtering reports using Student Groups allows users to monitor data more closely for targeted groups. 


Before group members can be added, however, you must create the group in SCRIBE. See How to Create a Student Group Manually. You can add students to a group via import and manually. This tutorial covers how to add students to a group manually and how to remove students from a group manually. 


Add Students to a Student Group

1. From the SCRIBE main menu, click Schools > View All Schools.


2. Click View next to the school where the group is that you want to add students to. 


 3. Click on the Student Groups tab. Click View next to the group you want to add students to.


4. Click on the Group Membership tab. 


Existing students in the group, if any, will be displayed. Click Add to add new students to the group.


 5. Check the box next to each student you want to add to the group.


Note: Students you have checked are cleared when you switch between pages of students. Either click Save and Add More when switching pages or change the Students Per Page to All to display all students on the same page and eliminate the need to change pages.  


Click the grey circle next to Search to reveal the Search Box. This will allow you to narrow the students who are displayed in the student list by Grade Level


Click the grey circle next to Advanced Search to reveal the Advanced Search Box. The Advanced Search will allow you to further narrow the student list or search for individual students by StudentID, name, gender, etc.


Click Search to filter results.



6. Once you have checked all the students to add to the group, click Save and Close


Now the newly added students will appear in the group list under the Group Membership tab.

Delete Students from a Student Group

1. From the SCRIBE main menu, click Schools > View All Schools.


2. Click View next to the school where the group is that you want to delete students from. 


3. Click on the Student Groups tab. Click View next to the group you want to delete students from.

4. Click on the Group Membership tab. 


Existing students in the group will be displayed. Check the box next to the students you want to delete from the group. 


Click the grey circle next to Search to reveal the Search Box. This will allow you to narrow the students who are displayed in the student list by Grade Level


Click the grey circle next to Advanced Search to reveal the Advanced Search Box. The Advanced Search will allow you to further narrow the student list or search for individual students by StudentID, name, gender, etc.


Click Search to filter results.

5. Once you have selected all students to delete from the group, click Delete Selected Students


6. A pop-up box will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the students. Click OK to delete the students from the group. Click Cancel to return to the group membership tab.


Change the school year

To view group membership or to edit group membership for a school year other than the current school year, click on the Search triangle to uncover the search parameters in the Group Membership tab. Change the School Year from the dropdown menu. Click Search


Now student membership displayed in the student list will display student group members from the school year selected. 


See How to Add Students to a Student Group or How to Delete Students from a Student Group above.



Notes on Group Membership

a. You can change the group membership, adding or deleting students, at any time. Group membership does not affect a student’s data recorded in SCRIBE. For example, if you added participation using a student group and then later remove some students from that group, the participation remains in the Service and in the students’ records. If you add students to a group that you have used to add participation in the past, the new students will NOT have any participation added to their student record just because they have been added to the group. 


b. Best practice recommends creating new groups for every term or school year (versus adding and deleting students in one group over multiple terms or school years). This is to maintain a record of past group membership. 


For example, if the grant tracks students who are earning Fs in math by creating a student group, it is helpful to create a new group every quarter/semester with all of the students who need to be tracked for that specific term (instead of creating one Math F group and continually adding and deleting students every term). This way, the grant can easily see which students have come out of the group (they are no longer earning an F in math), which students remain in the group over time (they keep earning Fs in math), and if a student has come off the list and then come back on the list at a later term (they stopped earning Fs then got an F again). 


Creating new groups each term also allows for easy tracking of students from a former group by running reports for a specific group (e.g., grades, participation) to check on past group students’ current progress. For example, you may want to see what grades students who were earning Fs last term are earning in math now.


Note: This best practice may be unnecessary for informal groups (e.g., club memberships, tutoring groups, a field trip group, etc.) where you may not need to track the change in group membership over time and/or you may not need to run reports tracking former group members.



Additional Resources

How to Create a Student Group Manually

How to Add Students to a Student Group via Import

Which Reports Can Be Filtered by Student Group?

How to Run a Student Group Export

How to Add Participation Manually using a Student Group

Download this tutorial as a PDF below.